Highland Congregational Church

Where family and friends worship the Lord as one


Hello, and welcome to the Highland Congregational Church in Highland, California. We are a strong community of believers in Christ. Our parishioners focus on the importance of fellowship and outreach.

Join our Sunday services starting at 9:30am where you can experience meaningful sermons, a ministry in music, and a fellowship coffee hour to follow.

Mission Statement

Highland Congregational is a diverse, creative community in background, in faith perspective, in public expression. We seek to be the change we wish to see in the world, respecting earth’s partners, and honoring wellness in all its forms.

Highland Congregational finds a window to God in the face of Jesus, seeking dialogue and mutual enrichment with all in our pluralistic world. We strive for greater justice and peace in the world inspired by Jesus who challenged the status quo.

Highland Congregational is a community of open minds and warm hearts, valuing the progressive unfolding of theology, where all are encouraged to honor their minds, live their questions, and embrace inner peace. We live together in awe of life, connected by a sense of mystery that many call God.

Inclusive grace moves us to embrace all with unconditional love and gracious acceptance. We invite all to join us in this exciting adventure of humanity mindful of a Holy Presence who guides us.